Ariba Oil Tank Chart
When your tank gauge reads as shown, your 275 gallon tank contains approximately this amount of gallons:
Remember Gauges are notoriously inaccurate. You can always depress the floater and then let it come back up to a level that may be more of a indication of what is in the tank.
Gauges can stick high..says you have 1/4 and it is empty … or low 1/4 and it is full. If you have a inkling that it is wrong depress the floater and see where it stabilizes.
⅛ = 40 gallons
¼ = 70 gallons
⅜ = 100 gallons
½ = 130 gallons
⅝ = 160 gallons
¾ = 200 gallons
½ = 130 gallons
Full = 265 gallons
Try not to let your tank go below the ⅛ reading on the tank gauge! You can clog your filter and end up needing service.
Try to order at a quarter tank. You are not in danger of running out of fuel and can take advantage of the price.
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Try to order at a quarter tank. You are not in danger of running out of fuel and can take advantage of the price.