Ariba Oil- Delivering Quality Oil Quickly, Since 1981

Who are we?
In 1981, the second gasoline crisis was in full effect after Iraq attacked Iran, putting world supplies in jeopardy. Regardless of the high prices of oil, people still needed to heat their homes. Savings became very important as unemployment levels were high and interest rates were up due to the high level of inflation. A need developed for a responsive oil company that could deliver affordable heating oil to people in New Jersey while also offering optimal customer service.
Ariba Oil has prospered by being an oil company that treats our employees as part of our family and has a genuine concern for our customers who are ultimately the reason behind our success. Our priority is to make sure that our customers have heat and hot water at all times, and our automatic delivery plan is designed to make sure oil is delivered before bad weather hits, avoiding the risk of running out. In conjunction with our budget plan, Ariba can help take some of the worry out of running your home.

Our “can-do” attitude allowed us to stay in business even when our suppliers and utilities were down. We took all of the appropriate actions to prepare for and respond to the adversities in order to keep our customers supplied with fuel. We are truly committed to making sure that our customers have heat and that generators are full when needed.
Commitment to people before and after the sale is crucial to Ariba’s company success, and we will not change.
Get in touch with us here for more information.